About me

My name is Alexander Martini, a self-taught contemporary abstract artist and a member of the JMSE collective, represented by The Luxury Fine Art Gallery LOREMO. My work reflects my inner world and the complexities of the human experience. Driven by my life motto, "Life is to Create," and inspired by the visionary David Lynch, I draw inspiration from the unseen layers of reality.

Through bold brushstrokes, vibrant colors, and textured compositions, I create visual dialogues that invite contemplation. My art aims to awaken emotions, stimulate thought, and foster a deeper connection to the present moment.

Each piece explores the transient nature of life, capturing moments of beauty and significance that go beyond the superficial. I believe in the transformative power of art to help us see and change the world in new and profound ways. My plan is to profoundly change the world through my art, inspiring reflection, creating meaningful connections, offering new perspectives, and bringing love to every corner of the planet. Be part of this journey. 🌍❤️


My CV:

  1. "Inner World" Exhibition – Boomer Gallery, London, United Kingdom
  2. Art Night Berlin, JMSE WORLD – Berlin, Germany
  3. Gallery Weekend Berlin, JMSE WORLD – Berlin, Germany
  4. Pop-up Store - JMSE – Frankfurt, Germany
  5. Alexander Martini - Permanent Exhibition – NM Timepieces